Jawaban Soal Travel Agent : Good morning, Underground Tour and Travel, How May I Help You?

- 26 April 2024, 06:34 WIB
Jawaban Soal Travel Agent : Good morning, Underground Tour and Travel, How May I Help You?
Jawaban Soal Travel Agent : Good morning, Underground Tour and Travel, How May I Help You? /Pexels.com /pixabay/

Additionally, the use of complete nouns like "Underground Tour and Travel" reinforces that this is an official business conversation. Explanations about travel options and prices are also conveyed clearly and directly, indicating that the conversation is taking place in a formal context.

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Jawaban b. Topik percakapan tersebut adalah tentang informasi mengenai paket perjalanan "Discover England" yang ditawarkan oleh Underground Tour and Travel.

Pembicaraan berfokus pada pilihan perjalanan yang tersedia, termasuk durasi, destinasi, dan harga. Philippa juga menanyakan apakah dia bisa memesan perjalanan tersebut melalui telepon, menunjukkan bahwa topik percakapan juga mencakup proses pemesanan dan administratif terkait dengan perjalanan tersebut.

In English:

b. The topic of the conversation is about information regarding the "Discover England" travel package offered by Underground Tour and Travel. The conversation focuses on the available travel options, including duration, destinations, and price.

Philippa also inquires whether she can book the trip over the phone, indicating that the topic of conversation also includes the booking process and administrative aspects related to the trip.

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Demikian jawaban identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan alasannya dan menentukan topik. Semoga bermanfaat.***


Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Kemdikbud


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