50 Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

- 30 November 2023, 09:24 WIB
50 Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban
50 Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban /Pexels.com / Kampus Production/

Soal 2. James : You look so worried. Why?
Beth : I … my wallet at home this morning.

a. Leave
b. Leaving
c. Left
d. Is Leaving

Jawaban: C

Soal 3. Emma : Jake, what are your hobbies?
Jake: Well, I love ………… and ………… the guitar. I find it so relaxing.

a. Painting – playing
b. Paint – play
c. Painted – played
d. Was paint – was play

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 50 Soal UAS PAS Informatika Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Soal Ujian Sumatif Informatika dan Jawaban

Soal 4. Complete the following dialogue.

Billy : We're 10 minutes late. It's no way we could be at the school before the first lesson begin.
Joe : Wait a minute, I think we could.
Billy : How?
Joe : ........ take a short cut, there's a way behind gas station, that way lead directly to the school, we won't be trapped in traffic jam.
Billy : You're genius.

A. Why do we
B. Why don't we
C. We are not allowed
D. Why we must


Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Buku.kemdikbud.go.id


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