Explain the difference between Noun Clause and Noun Phrase, also Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase Make

- 31 Mei 2024, 18:17 WIB
Explain the difference between Noun Clause and Noun Phrase, also Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase. Make sentences which contain Noun Clause, Noun Phrase, Adjective Clause, and Adjective Phrase.
Explain the difference between Noun Clause and Noun Phrase, also Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase. Make sentences which contain Noun Clause, Noun Phrase, Adjective Clause, and Adjective Phrase. /paxels.com/Norma Mortenson/


The girl with the curly hair smiled.
In this sentence, "with the curly hair" is an adjective phrase modifying the noun "girl."

Sentences Containing Each Type
Sentence with a Noun Clause:

She didn't know what time the meeting would start.

"What time the meeting would start" is a noun clause acting as the object of the verb "know."
Sentence with a Noun Phrase:

The tall man in the blue jacket waved at us.

"The tall man in the blue jacket" is a noun phrase acting as the subject of the verb "waved."
Sentence with an Adjective Clause:

The movie, which was directed by Christopher Nolan, received rave reviews.

"Which was directed by Christopher Nolan" is an adjective clause modifying the noun "movie."
Sentence with an Adjective Phrase:

The house on the corner is painted yellow.
"On the corner" is an adjective phrase modifying the noun "house."


Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Kemdikbud


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