What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech? Make at Least 5 Sentences with Different Tense Containing Reported

- 31 Mei 2024, 12:57 WIB
What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech ? Make at Least 5 Sentences with Different Tense Containing Reported Speech You Have Learned.
What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech ? Make at Least 5 Sentences with Different Tense Containing Reported Speech You Have Learned. /pixabay/422737

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM - Teman-teman, kita akan menjawab pertanyaan: What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech ? Make at least 5 sentences with different Tense containing Reported Speech you have learned.

Indirect Speech atau Reported Speech adalah cara melaporkan ucapan atau pernyataan seseorang tanpa mengutip langsung kata-katanya.

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Dalam Indirect Speech, kita mengubah beberapa elemen dari kalimat asli, seperti tenses, kata ganti, dan kata keterangan waktu.


What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech ? Make at least 5 sentences with different Tense containing Reported Speech you have learned.


Indirect Speech atau Reported Speech: Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat

Contoh sederhana:

Direct Speech: She said, "I am happy."
Indirect Speech: She said that she was happy.

Perubahan dalam Indirect Speech

Perubahan Tense: Jika kalimat utama menggunakan past tense, tense dalam kalimat yang dilaporkan biasanya juga berubah menjadi bentuk lampau.

Perubahan Kata Ganti: Kata ganti dalam kalimat asli diubah untuk mencerminkan sudut pandang pembicara.

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Perubahan Kata Keterangan Waktu dan Tempat: Kata keterangan waktu dan tempat sering kali perlu diubah untuk mencerminkan konteks waktu dan tempat yang berbeda.

Contoh Perubahan Tense

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Simple: "I eat an apple."
Past Simple: He said (that) he ate an apple.

Present Continuous: "I am eating an apple."
Past Continuous: He said (that) he was eating an apple.

Present Perfect: "I have eaten an apple."
Past Perfect: He said (that) he had eaten an apple.

Past Simple: "I ate an apple."
Past Perfect: He said (that) he had eaten an apple.

Future Simple: "I will eat an apple."
Future in the Past: He said (that) he would eat an apple.

Contoh Kalimat dengan Berbagai Tenses
Present Simple to Past Simple

Direct: She says, "I read books."
Indirect: She said that she read books.
Present Continuous to Past Continuous

Direct: He says, "I am studying."
Indirect: He said that he was studying.
Present Perfect to Past Perfect

Direct: They say, "We have finished our work."
Indirect: They said that they had finished their work.
Past Simple to Past Perfect

Direct: She said, "I visited Paris last year."
Indirect: She said that she had visited Paris the previous year.
Future Simple to Future in the Past

Direct: He says, "I will call you tomorrow."
Indirect: He said that he would call me the next day.
Indirect Speech or Reported Speech: Definition and Sentence Examples

Indirect Speech or Reported Speech is a way of reporting what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. In Indirect Speech, we often change several elements of the original sentence, such as tenses, pronouns, and adverbs of time and place.

Simple example:

Direct Speech: She said, "I am happy."
Indirect Speech: She said that she was happy.

Changes in Indirect Speech
Change of Tense: If the main clause is in the past tense, the tense in the reported clause usually shifts back to a past form.

Change of Pronouns: Pronouns in the original speech are changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter.
Change of Time and Place Adverbs: Time and place adverbs often need to be changed to reflect the different context.

Examples of Tense Changes

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Simple: "I eat an apple."
Past Simple: He said (that) he ate an apple.
Present Continuous: "I am eating an apple."
Past Continuous: He said (that) he was eating an apple.

Present Perfect: "I have eaten an apple."
Past Perfect: He said (that) he had eaten an apple.
Past Simple: "I ate an apple."
Past Perfect: He said (that) he had eaten an apple.
Future Simple: "I will eat an apple."
Future in the Past: He said (that) he would eat an apple.

Sentence Examples with Different Tenses
Present Simple to Past Simple

Direct: She says, "I read books."
Indirect: She said that she read books.

Present Continuous to Past Continuous

Direct: He says, "I am studying."
Indirect: He said that he was studying.

Present Perfect to Past Perfect

Direct: They say, "We have finished our work."
Indirect: They said that they had finished their work.

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Past Simple to Past Perfect

Direct: She said, "I visited Paris last year."
Indirect: She said that she had visited Paris the previous year.

Future Simple to Future in the Past

Direct: He says, "I will call you tomorrow."
Indirect: He said that he would call me the next day.

Dengan memahami perubahan-perubahan ini, kita dapat melaporkan ucapan orang lain dengan akurat dalam Indirect Speech, baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris.

Demikian jawaban What is Indirect Speech or Reported Speech ? Make at least 5 sentences with different Tense containing Reported Speech you have learned. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.***


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Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Kemdikbud


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