Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10, The White Rabbit and The Turtle One Time, Lived A White Rabbit And A Turtle

- 16 Februari 2024, 06:31 WIB
Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10, The White Rabbit and The Turtle One Time, Lived A White Rabbit And A Turtle
Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10, The White Rabbit and The Turtle One Time, Lived A White Rabbit And A Turtle / M Cameron/

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM – Pembahasan soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kali ini akan dibahas tuntas dengan jawaban. Jadi teks The White Rabbit and The Turtle bisa dijadikan acuan utama sebelum menentukan jawabannya:

Teks Bacaan

The White Rabbit and The Turtle

One time, lived a white rabbit and a turtle. The white rabbit was very proud of himself. He often boasted of how fast he could run. He would laugh every time he saw the turtle walked.

"Ha ha ha you areso slow. I can't even imagine myself walking at that speed ha ha ha," mocked the white rabbit the to the turtle.

Baca Juga: Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10, The Hairless Puppy Once Upon A Time In Small Town

"This is my highest speed. Can't you see that I am running right now? The turtle replied.

"Ha ha ha ha I cannot stop laughing. Ha ha ha ha I can run from this to the lake seven times and I am sureyou won't reach this tress yet, and you said you were running? Ha ha ha ha I should go home before I am dying of laughter," said the white rabbit.

The next day, the rabbit came to the lake to drink some water. There, he met the turtle. He started to laugh, "Ha ha ha ha the slow walking! We meet again. Ha ha ha."

"Oh, hi there," answered the turtle who did not look excited to see the white rabbit.

"Why do you come to the lake? It would take a year for you to go back home ha ha ha ha," said white rabbit.

The turtle got an idea right after she heard what the rabbit said. He challenged the white rabbit to a race. The one who got home first will be the winner. The starting point was on the shore of the lake. The white rabbit was surprised, but he accepted it.

"It starts from here to our house. If I arrive first, it means I am the winner," explained the turtle to the rabbit.

"Impossible," mumbling the white rabbit with a laugh.

"But, you should promise me you would stop making fun of me if I win the challenge," continued the turtle.

"Stop talking about winning it. We all know who is going to be the winner. Me. Ha ha ha," shouted the white rabbit.

The white rabbit finally agreed not to mock the turtle again if he won the race, and the race began. Other animals were tjere to see those two creatures competing.

As soon as the race began. The turtle pulled his head straight back to his shell. It ended the race. The winner was the turtle because he brought his house whenever and whenever he was.

The white rabbit was shocked and realized that he was being fooled. From this time, he would never make fun of the turtle ever again as he promised.


Selain bacaan di atas, rincian soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 10 ini wajib untuk dipahami. Teks The White Rabbit and The Turtle akan sangat berkaitan dengan soal sehingga tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Simak detailnya berikut ini:

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Biologi Kelas 12 SMA Halaman 213-214 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Soal Aktivitas 4.15 Kloning

1. What is the white rabbit's characteristic?

a. Boastful.

b. Humble.

c. Kind.

d. Funny.

e. Helpful.

2. Why was the white rabbit making fun of the turtle?

a. Because the turtle was considered as slow.

b. Because the turtle challenged the rabbit.

c. Because the turtle was boastful.

d. Because the turtle lied that he was the fastest.

e. Beause the turtle was too humble.

3. "The turtle got an idea right after she heard what the rabbit said."

The underlined word above has the same meaning with…

a. Immediately.

b. Slow.

c. Fast.

d. Surely.

e. Unsure.

4. What kind of challenge was held by those two animals?

a. Whoever the fastest to go home is the winner.

b. Whoever wins the race, wins.

c. Whoever finish the race first, wins.

d. Whoever wants to make the most delicious food, wins.

e. None of them are true.

5. What is the moral story of the text?

a.Don't underestimate people.

b. Don't make someone feel lonely.

c. Intelligent is everything.

d. Power is everything.

e. Speed is everything.


Terakhir, akan diinformasikan rincian jawaban dari soal-soal yang ada. Karena soalnya ada lima, maka jumlah jawabannya juga sama. Jika penasaran dengan jawaban-jawaban soal tersebut, maka simak rinciannya di bawah ini:

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Biologi Kelas 12 SMA Halaman 218 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Latihan Aktivitas 4.17 Sel Punca

1. b. Humble.

2. a. Because the turtle was considered as slow.

3. a. Immediately.

4. a. Whoever the fastest to go home is the winner.

5. a. Don't underestimate people.

Demikianlah detail lengkap dari pembahasan soal PAS bahasa Inggris kelas 10 sampai akhir. Jadi The White Rabbit and The Turtle tersebut bisa dijadikan bahan belajar dan diskusi sebelum ujian PAS dilangsungkan.***

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Editor: Siti Juniafi Maulidiyah

Sumber: berbagai sumber


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