Penggunaan Relative Pronoun dalam Adjective Clause yang Tepat

- 31 Agustus 2023, 08:33 WIB
Adjective clause
Adjective clause /

=> That : The house that they live is very old.

=> Tanpa relative pronoun : The house they live is very old.

That is the bench. We were supposed to meet.

=> Where : That is the bench where we were supposed to meet.

=> Which : That is the bench which we were supposed to meet.

=> Which + preposition : That is the bench which in were supposed to meet.

=> That : That is the bench that we were supposed to meet.

=> Tanpa relative pronoun : That is the bench we were supposed to meet.

Baca Juga: Inilah Susunan Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris yang Tepat dan Benar


Editor: Kun Daniel Chandra

Sumber: @Bizitzanarin


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