55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Latihan Soal UKK PAS UAS Bahasa Ingrris

- 26 Mei 2023, 16:08 WIB
55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka /Pexels.com / Yan Krukau/

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM - Kunci jawaban latihan 55 soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka bisa didapat di bawah ini. 55 soal ini dapat dipakai PAT (Pelatihan Akhir Tahun) Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 pada Kurikulum Merdeka.

Kunci jawaban latihan soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang akan dibahas di sini berbentuk soal pilihan ganda, isian dan merangkai kata.

Baca Juga: Soal PAT IPA IPS Kelas 4 SD MI Semester 2 dengan Jawaban, Latihan Soal IPAS Kurikulum Merdeka

55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka itu adalah contoh latihan soal UAS 2 / Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
yang bisa dipakai belajar adik-adik yang duduk di bangku sekolah dasar kelas 4

Kami harap jawaban latihan soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka bisa berguna khusus buat siswa-siswi kelas 4 SD yang bisa dijadikan sebagai pendamping belajar.

Semakin beragam soal-soal Bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari, wawasan belajar Adik-adik juga akan bertambah, tidak hanya terpaku pada materi yang ada di sekolah, tetapi peserta didik dapat belajar secara mandiri dengan belajar pada banyak soal. Mari mulai belajar.

55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Soal 1. Christian pray in the ….

A. Church

B. Mosque

C. Temple

D. Valhalla

Jawaban: A

Soal 2. I am reading a …..

A. Eraser

B. Book

C. Pencil

D. Ruler

Jawaban: B

Soal 3. There is a …….. In the living room

A. Plate

B. Knife

C. Bed

D. Chair

Jawaban: D

Soal 4. Muslim pray in the ……

A. Temple

B. Church

C. Valhalla

D. Mosque

Jawaban: D

Soal 5. Prambanan Temple is located in …….

A. Sulawesi

B. Yogyakarta

C. Bali

D. Lampung

Jawaban: B

Soal 6. He is a ………, he work in hospital

A. Pilot

B. Police

C. Doctor

D. Farmer

Jawaban: C

Soal 7. I will buy vegetables in ………

A. School

B.Electronic store

C. Market

D. Home

Jawaban: C

Soal 8. Amir: “Hello, ………?”

Rudi: “I am fine thank you.”

A. Where are you?

B Where are you?

C. What are you?

D. How are you?

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: 53 Soal PAT PAI Kelas 4 Semester 2 dengan Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal UKK PAI Kelas 4 TA 2022 2023 Kurikulum Mer

Soal 9. I am an elementary school student. .... name is Nadia.

A. my

B. our

C. her

D. your

Jawaban: A

Soal 10. You can see the film at ....

A. prison

B. market

C. cinema

D. library

Jawaban: C

Soal 11. My mother makes up in front of ....

A. the door

B. the box

C. the mirror

D. the corner

Jawaban: C

Soal 12. These are animals which have four legs, except ....

a. cow

b. horse

c. rabbit

d. duck

Jawaban: D

Soal 13. Birds can fly because they have ....

a. nose

b. lung

c. wing

d. leg

Jawaban: C

Soal 14. The baby of the butterfly is ....

a. bee

b. bird

c. caterpillar

d. pigeon

Jawaban: C

Soal 15. The animals which give us honey are ....

a. bird

b. bee

c. ant

d. cow

Jawaban: B

Soal 16. .My mother is a .... Her activity is sewing

a. sailor

b. tailor

c. doctor

d. autor

Jawaban: B

Soal 17. Andi : " Does Nando like playing football?"
Anton : " No, ....".

a. he doesn't
b. he isn't
c. he hasn't
d. he wasn't

Jawaban: A

Soal 18. Mother needs a cup of ....

a. egg

b. coffee

c. noodle

d. rice

Jawaban: B

Soal 19. A duster is a thing which is used to ....

a. clean the table

b. clean the floor

c. clean the clothes

d. clean the dishes

Jawaban: A

Soal 20. We find the meaning of difficult of english words in the ....

a. book

b. news paper

c. radio

d. dictionary

Jawaban: D

Soal 21. We need a watch to know ....

a. the palce

b. the time

c. the area

d. the direction

Jawaban: B

Soal 22. We buy a bottle of water to ....

a. eat

b. drink

c. sleep

d. wash

Jawaban: B

Soal 23. The example food for monkey is ....

a. carrot

b. banana

c. cake

d. papaya

Jawaban: B

Soal 24. Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is ....

a. Wednesday

b. Thursday

c. Friday

d. Saturday

Jawaban: A

Soal 25. Yesterday was Sunday. Today is ....

a. Monday

b. Tuesday

c. Thursday

d. Friday

Jawaban: A

Soal 26. Before April we have ....

a. February

b. March

c. May

d. June

Jawaban: B

Soal 27. .... date is it today ?

a. Where

b. How

c. When

d. What

Jawaban: D

Soal 28. .... do you buy toy plane?

a. What

b. Where

c. Who

d. Which

Jawaban: B

Soal 29. A : " .... of this television?"
B : " It is one million rupiahs".

a. How is the price
b. What is the price
c. When is the price
d. Where is the price

Jawaban: B

Soal 30. Marvel : " .... does it cost?"
Pasha : " It cost Rp 15.000,00".

a. How
b. How many
c. How much
d. What

Jawaban: C

Soal 31. Rico likes reading ....

a. music

b. book

c. television

d. movie

Jawaban: B

Soal 32. I want to play badminton. I need ....

a. ball

b. jacket

c. hat

d. racket

Jawaban: D

Soal 33. We can buy met in the ....

a. butcher

b. fruit stall

c. greengrocer

d. stationery

Jawaban: A

Soal 34. Jono and Michelle like playing ....

a. swing

b. slide

c. rope skipping

d. marble

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: 50 Soal PAT Matematika Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka 2023 Beserta Kunci Jawabannya, Contoh UAS Matemati

Soal 35. Dio and Fahmi are playing kite in the ....

a. field

b. yard

c. house

d. garden

Jawaban: A

Soal 36. The second of the year is ....

a. February

b. March

c. August

d. October

Jawaban: A

Soal 37. There are .... days in March.

a. 28

b. 29

c. 30

d. 31

Jawaban: D

Soal 38. A : " Are those your dolls?
B : " Yes, ....

a. they are not
b. they are
c. they do
d. they is

Jawaban: B

II. Translate these sentences into English !

Soal 39. Arinda ingin bermain ayunan

Jawab: Arinda wants to play swinga

Soal 40. Apakah ini pensilmu?

Jawab: Is this your pencil ?

Soal 41. Mari bermain petak umpet.

Jawab: Let's play hide and seek

Soal 42. Ini tas ibuku

Jawab: This is my mother's bag

Soal 43. Harga buku ini Rp 5000,00

Jawab: The price of this book is Rp 5000,00

Soal 44. Indri sedang belajar di kelas

Jawab: Indri is studying in the classroom

Soal 45. Murid-murid bermain di halaman sekolah

Jawab: The students play in the school yard

Soal 46. Semangka ini besar

Jawab: This water melon is big

Soal 47. Mangga ini manis rasanya

Jawab: This mango is sweet taste

Soal 48. Marsha suka bermain boneka

Jawab: Marsha likes playing doll

Soal 49. Mr Yadi ………… a news paper in the living room

Jawaban: reads

Soal 50. Arrange the words for number 50: RETUCIP

Jawaban: PICTURE

III. Arrange the words below into good sentences !

Soal 51. mango - eat- likes - Angga - to

Jawab: Angga likes to eat mango

Soal 52. are - trees - some - There - in - papaya - garden - the

Jawab: There are some papaya trees in the garden

Soal 53. market - bus - goes - to - Indra - the - by

Jawab: Indra goes to the market by bus

Soal 54. vegetables - buy - the - greengrocer - We - in

Jawab: We buy vegetables in the greengrocer

Soal 55. is - playing - She - rope skipping

Jawab: She is playing rope skipping

Demikianlah 55 soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang dapat dipakai untuk siswa-siswi kelas 4 SD dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Ingat practice makes perfect. Semoga dapat nilai bagus.***


1. Konten ini dibuat untuk siswa kelas 5 atau orang tua mereka dalam proses evaluasi belajar dalam menemukan jawaban yang tepat.

2. Artikel tidak menjamin kebenaran jawaban secara mutlak.

3. Jawaban bersifat terbuka, sehingga dimungkinkan bagi guru atau siswa mengeksplorasi jawaban lain yang lebih baik.

Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Buku.kemdikbud.go.id


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