Penggunaan Relative Pronoun dalam Adjective Clause yang Tepat

31 Agustus 2023, 08:33 WIB
Adjective clause /

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM – Whose, where, dan when adalah relative pronoun yang bisa digunakan sebagai adjective clause. Cara penggunaanya di dalam kalimat bisa disimak ulasan berikut ini.

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Whose Dalam Adjective Clause

Relative pronoun whose digunakan untuk menerangkan kepemilikan. Whose selalu diikuti oleh noun / kata benda.

Ada syarat khusus untuk menggunakan whose, noun harus terletak di bagian paling awal dalam adjective clause. Penggunaanya juga tidak bisa digantikan dengan relative pronuon lain atau bahkan dihilangkan.

Jadi whose adalah relative pronoun dalam adjective clause yang sama sekali tidak bisa dihilangkan. Sedangkan untuk relative pronoun lainnya bisa dihilangkan.

Contoh :

I know that person. His phone was stolen last week.

=> I know that person whose phone was stolen yesterday.

Rose has a painting. Its value is inestimable.

=> Rose has a painting whose value is inestimable.

Where Dalam Adjective Clause

Fungsi where dalam adjective clause digunakan untuk menerangkan tempat. Dalam adjective clause, sebelum where selalu ada noun yang menunjukkan keberadaan. Misalnya gedung, ruang, kota, negara dan lainya.

Saat menggunakan where, tidak perlu lagi menggunakan preposisi. Jadi where bisa diganti dengan relative pronuon lain seperti which dan that. Hanya saja bila tidak menggunakan where boleh menggunakan preposisi, dan boleh pula tidak.

Boleh pula untuk tidak menyertakan relative pronoun apapun.

Contoh :

The house is very old. They live in there.

=> Where : The house where they live is very old.

=> Which : The house which they live is very old.

=> Which + preposition : The house in which they live is very old.

=> That : The house that they live is very old.

=> Tanpa relative pronoun : The house they live is very old.

That is the bench. We were supposed to meet.

=> Where : That is the bench where we were supposed to meet.

=> Which : That is the bench which we were supposed to meet.

=> Which + preposition : That is the bench which in were supposed to meet.

=> That : That is the bench that we were supposed to meet.

=> Tanpa relative pronoun : That is the bench we were supposed to meet.

Baca Juga: Inilah Susunan Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris yang Tepat dan Benar

Itulah ulasan tentang penggunaan whose dan when dalam adjective clause.***


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Editor: Kun Daniel Chandra

Sumber: @Bizitzanarin


