55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Latihan Soal UKK PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Ke

26 Mei 2023, 17:21 WIB
55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Latihan Soal UKK PAS UAS Bahasa Ingrris Kelas 5 /pexels.com/

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM - Untuk Adik-adi kelas 5, kunci jawaban latihan 55 soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka bisa diperoleh di bawah ini.
Inilah 55 soal yang bisa dipergunakan untuk persiapan menghadapi PAT (Pelatihan Akhir Tahun) Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD semester 2 berdasar Kurikulum Merdeka.


Beragam kunci jawaban latihan soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang akan dibahas di sini berbentuk soal pilihan ganda, isian dan menerjemahkan baik dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris atau dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.

55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka itu adalah contoh latihan soal UAS 2 / Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
yang bisa dipakai belajar adik-adik yang duduk di bangku sekolah dasar kelas 5.

Baca Juga: 60 Soal PAT PJOK Kelas 5 Semester 2 dengan Kunci Jawaban, Latihan Soal UKK UAS PAT PJOK Kelas 5 K13

Semoga jawaban latihan soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka bisa bermanfaat khusus buat siswa-siswi kelas 5 SD yang bisa dipakai sebagai pendamping belajar.

Makin beragam soal-soal Bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari, wawasan belajar Adik-adik juga akan bertambah, tidak cuma terpaku pada materi yang ada di sekolah, tetapi Adik-adik dapat belajar secara mandiri dengan mempelajari banyak soal.
Mari kita mulai belajar.

55 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !

Soal 1. What is the opposite of “never”?

a. ever
b. sometimes
c. often
d. always

Jawaban: a

Soal 2. Arif recites Al quran .......... sunset prayer.

a. never
b. on time
c. after
d. often

Jawaban: c

Soal 3. Nina has .......... at 7.00 o’clock in the evening.

a. breakfast
b. dinner
c. fasting
d. lunch

Jawaban: a

Soal 4. Dika : “look at the cat!”
Kamil : “ The cat looks sad too.”
Dika : “no, the cat looks angry.”
Kamil : “really?”
Dika : “yes, the cat is angry to the dog.”
Kamil : “You are right.”
How does the cat look? The cat looks ….

a. sad
b. shy
c. angry
d. happy

Jawaban: c

Soal 5. Lisa : “How … I look?”
Rose : “You look pretty.”

a. is
b. does
c. are
d. do

Jawaban: d

Soal 6. We must wear .... to school

a. uniform
b. hat
c. tie
d. glasses

Jawaban: a

Soal 7. Edo is swimming in the river. He wears ....

a. skirt
b. shorts
d. jacket
d. shirt

Jawaban: b

Soal 8. Mother goes .... in the market every morning

a. singing
b. shopping
c. walking
d. reading

Jawaban: b

Soal 9. They bring rackets, net, and shuttlecocks. They want to play ....

a. football
b. basket
c. badminton
d. tennis


Soal 10. Time 1:30 It is a .... past one
a. a half
b. clock
c. twenty
d. quarter

Jawaban: A

Soal 11. We .... to school together

a. goes
b. go
c. like
d. want

Jawaban: B

Soal 12. Amanda .... to the radio in the afternoon

a. listens
b. reads
c. watches
d. writes

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 50 Soal PAT SKI Kelas 5 MI Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban, Contoh Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Kelas 5 Madrasah Ibti

Soal 13. Clean the window.
Nanda usually .... the window

a. plays
b. cleans
c. sweeps
d. watches

Jawaban: b

Soal 14. We have breakfast in the ....

a. dining room
b. bath room
c. bed room
d. living room

Jawaban: a

Soal 15. Six multiplied by two is ....

a. three
b. eight
c. twelve
d. four

Jawaban: c

Soal 16. Forty five divided by five is ....

a. forty
b. nine
c. fifty
d. thirty five

Jawaban: b

Soal 17. My father works at the hospital. My father is a ....

a. teacher
b. soldier
c. farmer
d. doctor

Jawaban: d

Soal 18. Mr. Bintoro wants to make chair. Mr. Bintoro is a ....

a. gardener
b. barber
c. briclayer
d. carpenter

Jawaban: d

Soal 19. Badrun : "Is your brother a soldier?"
Joko : " Yes, ....

a. he does
b. he is
c. she is
d. she does

Jawaban: b

Soal 20. A : ".... does she go to school?"
B : " She goes to school by pedicab".

a. What
b. Where
c. How
d. Why

Jawaban: c.

Soal 21. A plane stops at the ....

a. bus station
b. harbour
c. airport
d. yard

Jawaban: c

Soal 22. Sailing boat is kind of ....

a. land
b. sea
c. air
d. rock

Jawaban: b

Soal 23. We need a .... to move the sailing boat

a. gasoline
b. horse
c. wind
d. water

Jawaban: c

Soal 24. The shape of the wheel is ....

a. oval
b. sphere
c. triangle
d. circle

Jawaban: d

Soal 25. Daniel : " Can you draw a cube?"
Donald : " No, ....

a. I do not
b. I can
c. I can't
d. I am not

Jawaban: c

Soal 26. We have .... seasons in our country

a. two
b. three
c. four
d. six

Jawaban: a

Soal 27. It is .... The rain falls everyday

a. dry
b. rainy season
c. spring
d. summer

Jawaban: b

Soal 28. Mother is cooking in the … .

a. chicken
b. bedroom
c. kitchen
d. bathroom

Jawaban: c

Soal 29. We should bring .... if it is rainy

a. umbrella
b. hat
c. jacket
d. glasses

Jawaban: a

Soal 30. In .... the snow starts to fall

a. spring
b. autumn
c. summer
d. winter

Jawaban: d

Soal 31. The Indonesian meaning of windy is ....

a. bersalju
b. berangin
c. berkabut
d. mendung

Jawaban: b

Soal 32. A : " Does Lia know the season in Indonesia?"
B : " .... "

a. Yes, I do
b. Yes, it does
c. Yes, he does
d. Yes, she does

Jawaban: d

Soal 33. The season before summer is ....

a. dry
b. spring
c. autum
d. winter

Jawaban: b

Soal 34. The followings animals could fly in the air………..

a. owl, pigeon, crocodile
b. swallow, zebra, eagle
c. eagle, woodpecker, canary
d. whale, cassowary, peacock

Jawaban: c

Soal 35. Novel is ....book

a. knowledge
b. news
c. story
d. sport

Jawaban: c

Soal 36. Photosynthesis is a process of....

a. cooking food on leaf
b. cooking food on root
c. eating food on root
d. eating food on leaf

Jawaban: a

Soal 37. Nina feel hurt on her throat. She has...

a. sneezing
b. backache
c. headache
d. sore throat

Jawaban: d

Soal 38. A shape of coin is....
a. rectangle
b. triangle
c. circle
d. cube

Jawaban: c

Soal 39. Waiter: Good evening, welcome to Good cafe!
Customer : ....
a. good morning, no!
b. good evening, thank you!
c. good evening, no thank you!
d. good morning, thank you!

Jawaban: b

Soal 40. It is small, it can fly, it sucks (menghisap) human blood. It is....

a. mosquito
b. ant
c. bear
d. bee

Jawaban: a

Baca Juga: Soal PAT UKK Matematika Kelas 5 SD MI Semester 2 Materi Bangun Ruang: Mencari Volume, Keliling dengan Bahasan

II. Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text !

- Clothes -
Clothes are basis needs. We need chothes to cover our body. It can also protect us from the cold ang the insect bites.

People usually buy clothes at the market or supermarket. The style, size and price are varied. It depens on how much money we have.

If we have much money, we can buy expensive clothes. But if we have a little money, there are still a lot of cheap clothes to buy.

Soal 41. What do we need to cover our body?
Answer : clothes

Soal 42. Can clothes protect us from the cold?
Answer : yes, it can

Soal 43. Where can people buy clothes?
Answer : market or supermarket

Soal 44. Is the price of clothes always expensive?
Answer : no, it is not

Soal 45. What can we do if we have much money?
Answer : we can buy expensive clothes

III. Translate the sentences into Indonesian !

Soal 46. We must return the book on time

Jawab: Kita harus mengembalikan buku tepat waktu

Soal 47. The books are arranged well in the bookshelf

Jawab: Buku-buku tertata dengan baik di rak buku

Soal 48. Febiola wants to be a singer

Jawab: Febiola ingin menjadi penyanyi

Soal 49. Flood usually occurs in the wet season

Jawab: Banjir biasanya terjadi pada musim hujan

Soal 50. The flowers start to bloom in spring

Jawab: Bunga-bunga mulai mekar pada musim semi

IV. Translate the sentences into English !

Soal 51. Marsha sangat suka membaca

Jawab: Marsha likes reading very much

Soal 52. Bu Indah adalah seorang guru

Jawab: Mrs. Indah is a teacher

Soal 53. Kita tidak boleh menyobek buku

Jawab: We must not tear the book

Soal 54. Menonton Upin Ipin menyenangkan

Jawab: Watching Upin Ipin is fun

Soal 55. Matahari bersinar terang

Jawab: The sun shines brighly

Demikian tadi 55 soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang bisa dipergunakan oleh siswa-siswi kelas 5 SD dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.
Practice makes perfect, banyak berlatih akan semakin mahir. Semoga kalian dapat nilai bagus.***


1. Konten ini dibuat untuk siswa kelas 5 atau orang tua mereka dalam proses evaluasi belajar dalam menemukan jawaban yang tepat.

2. Artikel tidak menjamin kebenaran jawaban dengan mutlak.

3. Jawaban sifatnya terbuka, sehingga siswa dimungkinkan untuk mengeksplorasi jawaban lain yang lebih baik.

Editor: Mariyani Soetrisno

Sumber: Buku.kemdikbud.go.id


