Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Halaman 28-30, Sequence Word

23 Oktober 2022, 12:49 WIB
Ilustrasi Belajar. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Halaman 28-30, Sequence Word /Pixabay.com/mojzagrebinfo

INFOTEMANGGUNG.COM – Artikel ini berisi kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 halaman 28-30 pada materi Sequence Word yang ada di Bab 1 : Legend.

Sequence word adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan keterangan atau urutan waktu kejadian sesuatu hal. Pada bacaan, sequence word ini membantu pembaca untuk memahami kapan peristiwa terjadi.

Contoh kata atau frasa dari sequence word antara lain once upon a time, one day, without waiting any longer, after, two days from now, later, dan banyak lagi.

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Adapun kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 halaman 28-30 merupakan bagian dari materi Bab 1: Legend yang salah satu materinya adalah membahas tentang sequence word.

Pada materi ini, ada sebuah teks bacaan yang berjudul The Legend of the Crying Stone. Siswa akan diminta untuk menuliskan kembali teks ini dengan menggunakan sequence word yang sudah ditentukan.

Berikut ini adalah referensi jawabannya:

Practice 2

In order to understand more about sequence words, learn about them from a different story. Understand the sequence of the story and label the story structures.

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The Legend of the Crying Stone

In the past, on a hill far from the country, there lived a poor widow and her only daughter. Her daughter was really beautiful, yet lazy. She did not want to help her mother at all. Moreover, she was also really spoiled, her mother must fulfil whatever she wanted. One day, the woman and her daughter went to the market. The beautiful daughter wore her best clothes and walked in front of her mother. She did not walk side by side with her mother as she felt ashamed. Everyone looked at her and was amazed by her beauty.

“Hi girl, you look so beautiful. Anyway, who is the old woman behind you? Is she your mother? Why do you let her bring such a heavy shopping basket?” asked the man. “Oh my Gosh, of course she is not. She is just my maid and it is her job to help me shop,” answered the daughter.

Every time she got such questions, she would respond the same. Her mother just remained silent. However, hearing that thing over and over again made the mother’s heart hurt. Suddenly, the mother stopped and sat off the road, crying.

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“Mom, why do you stop there? Let’s get going or we won’t be home before midnight,” shouted the daughter. The mother did not respond to her, she raised her hands and prayed, “My Lord, please, forgive me for my inability to educate this child. I’m willing if you punish this disobedient child, Lord.

The sky suddenly darkened, a huge lightning bolt struck, and it started to rain. The daughter started to panic as she could not move her leg, slowly her legs turned to stone and continued to spread to other parts of his body. “Mom, I am really sorry. Please, forgive me. Help me mom, help! Help me, please.”

However, it was too late. There’s no point in regretting what she did, her whole body had turned to stone. Surprisingly, from the stone statue’s eyes, tears kept flowing. That is why, people called that statue, the crying stone.

Based on the legend above, list the chronology of the events in the story and rewrite the story using sequence words provided.

  1. Once upon a time, there lived a poor widow and her only daughter
  2. One day, that widow and her daughter went to the market
  3. While walking, the daughter did not walk side by side with her mother as she felt ashamed.
  4. After that, everyone in the market looked at the girl and was amazed by her beauty.
  5. A little later, a man asked who the old woman walking behind her and the girl said that the old woman was just her maid.
  6. Then, another man asked who the old woman was and the girl kept telling that the old woman was her maid.
  7. Suddenly, the old woman stopped and sat off the road, sedding tears and when the girl asked her to continue walking she did not answer.
  8. But then, the old woman raised her hands and prayed to the God for punishing her disobedient daughter.
  9. Eventually, the girl got her punishment. Her body gradually changed into stone with tears kept flowing from her eyes.

Itulah tadi kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 halaman 28-30 pada materi sequence word.

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Adapun jawaban di atas masih bisa diolah lagi oleh siswa dengan menggunakan kalimat sendiri.***

Disclaimer: Jawaban soal yang ada pada artikel ini hanya bersifat referensi dan tidak bisa dijadikan sumber mutlak. Diharapkan tetap mencari sumber lain dan memahami materi pelajaran.

Editor: Jati Kuncoro

Sumber: buku.kemendikbud.go.id


